In Memory of


September 15, 1957 - December 3, 1993

Kenneth L. Claggett was arrested for Nelson's murder Friday morning, May 4, 2007

He pled guilty to Voluntary Manslaughter on November 27, 2007.

He was released immediately following the hearing after having served a 223 day sentence.

Link to Washington Post Article

Washington Post Comments

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Who He Was

Justice Overdue

A Mother's Grief

Bill's Letter

Trish's Letters

Floyd's Poem

Cindy's Poem

Cindy's Letter


Fast Cars, Bikes

Photos as a Child

Photos as an Adult

Photos w/Chance

More w/Chance

More Photos

Nelson's Harley



Trish never fails to contact me, Nelson’s mom, on his birthday, his sobriety anniversary, and the date of his murder.  She has regularly given me chips to commemorate his sobriety.  She is a dear friend to Nelson and to me, and I appreciate her so much.


Excerpts from treasured letters to Nelson’s mom from his dear friend Trish:


March 29, 1994

I think of Nelson often and fondly, as do many of his friends.  He touched a great many lives.  Though I miss him dearly, I feel that he is with me always, and I continue to feel grateful that he was a part of my life and my recovery.


January 3, 1998

I often picture his face with that big beautiful smile of his.  While I still mourn our loss, my gratitude grows for having had Nelson touch my life.  I always smile when I think of Nelson.  Songs and sights still remind me of my dear friend.  I’ll always remember the love of his friendship, one of the great gifts of my recovery.


January 25, 1999

As always, Nelson is never more than a thought away for me.  I’ve long thought of him as one of my Guardian Angels and take comfort in the fact that I know that he is watching over me!  I still miss him terribly at times, but more often than not, it’s a big smile (rather than tears) that comes to me when I think of Nelson.


September 13, 2001

Through him I learned how to be a friend and have a friend.  I learned to show up at places I really didn’t want to be.  And I learned how to give love and be open to receive love from places I’d never thought to look.



Mary Jane, I’m so glad we’ve stayed in touch.  It helps me keep Nelson’s memory more alive!